Good morning,
This week’s Backpack Express is ready for your reading pleasure:
Sweetheart Dance: Get ready to dance, play, and party at this year's 2025 Sweetheart Dance - Beach Party Edition. Friday, May 9th from 6-8pm. Dress up or dress down and come ready for a night of fun, laughter and tropical vibes. See flyer for detail. Please plan to bring ONE special person due to capacity limits. If we don't sell out, we'll let you know, and you can add an extra guest! Click this link to RSVP: . Pay at the door on the day of the event - Cash or PayPal - $5 per person. Ticket includes a lei for each student. Hope to see you there!
Survey: Please see the email I sent out earlier regarding the Rhode Island Department of Education Survey Works survey.
Third Grade Art Show: On Monday and for the month of March, our third graders will have some of their artwork representing the art/recycling exhibit displayed at the Barrington Public Library. Opening night is from 5:30-6:30 on Monday.
PTO Information:
Meeting: There is a virtual PTO meeting on Monday, March 3, 2025, at 7:00 in the evening. A link will be sent out Monday morning.
Family Event at URI Basketball Game: The PTO will be heading to a URI men’s basketball game on March 8, 2025. Tickets may be purchased here.
March Lunch Menu: The March Hot Lunch Menu may be found here.
Dental Screening: Per Rhode Island law, we will be participating in our annual dental screening on March 26, 2025. If your child receives routine dental care, your child will not be screened. However, you need to complete this form indicating when your child was last seen by a dentist. Anyone who does not complete this form or whose child has not been seen by a dentist will be screened.
Kids Clothing Drive: Our first grade team is holding a clothing drive during the month of February. We are collecting clothes for Clothes for Kids RI. This organization allows families to visit their store so children can pick out their own clothes. More information on the Clothes for Kids RI can be found on this notice. If you are able to send in clothes for our drive, please make sure the clothes are gently used, clean, and folded. New clothes, especially underwear, are also appreciated and needed
Community Notices: There are a few community notices for you this week: Barrington Public Library, Girl Scouts Troop #435 and Barrington Little League.
Enjoy the day!
Jim Callahan
Sowams School Mission: Everyone learns every day.
Sowams School Vision: Sowams School will engage students to be their best selves.