Backpack Express - 2/12/25

Good morning,

This week’s Backpack Express is ready for your reading pleasure:

  • Extended Day:  All students have been placed based on the first and second round registration forms. If you have not received a placement email please reach out to As a reminder all payments for first round enrollments were due yesterday 2/11 and payments for second round enrollments are due on 2/16. There are a few spots available in the following classes, please reach out if interested. Tuesday: Self Defense, Calligraphy, Yoga, STEAM  Thursday: Hip Hop, Knitting & Crochet, Save the Bay, and Origami. 

  • Third Grade Reception:  We are looking for volunteers to assist with the planning for our Third Grade Reception.  The Reception is our way of saying good bye to our third graders are they head off to Hampden Meadows or another school.  If you are interested in helping out, you may sign up here.

  • Dental Screening:  Per Rhode Island law, we will be participating in our annual dental screening on March 26, 2025.  If your child receives routine dental care, your child will not be screened.  However, you need to complete this form indicating when your child was last seen by a dentist.  Anyone who does not complete this form or whose child does has not been seen by a dentist will be screened.

  • Sowams Yearbook:  Here is some information about the yearbook:

    • The yearbook is now available for purchase.  Orders are accepted online at The cost of this year’s yearbook is $23.00.  Directions on how to order may be found here. The deadline to order is 4/21/25.

    •  If you have pictures from Sowams Family Events (Blithewold, Providence Bruins game, Math Night, etc.) that could be used in the yearbook, please send them to

  • Kids Clothing Drive:  Our first grade team is holding a clothing drive during the month of February.  We are collecting clothes for Clothes for Kids RI.  This organization allows families to visit their store so children can pick out their own clothes.  More information on the Clothes for Kids RI can be found on this notice.  If you are able to send in clothes for our drive, please make sure they clothes are gentle used, clean, and folded.  New clothes, especially underwear, are also appreciated and needed

  • Kindergarten Registration:  Do you have a child turning five years old as of September 1, 2025?  Do you have a Barrington neighbor who has a child turning five as of September 1, 2025?  If so, it’s time to register the child for kindergarten.  Registration opens Monday for students entering in the next school year.  Information on registering a student may be found here.  Registrations are completed online.  Feel free to reach out with questions.

  • Valentine’s Day:  This Friday is Valentine’s Day.  We would like everyone to wear pink or red to share our love and kindness with each other.

  • Save the Date:  The PTO will be heading to a URI men’s basketball game on March 8, 2025.  Information on how to purchase tickets will be shared shortly.

Have a wonderful day and enjoy next week’s vacation week.


Jim Callahan


Sowams School Mission: Everyone learns every day.

Sowams School Vision: Sowams School will engage students to be their best selves.