Upcoming Events
Octoberfest: This fun, family event is this Saturday from 10:00-3:00. Yesterday, I sent an email to parents with Octoberfest information. To see this email, click here. Hope you are able to attend. Make sure you tell your friends and family as well.
Town Meeting: To help you plan, here is a list of Town Meeting dates with the host class listed. Town Meetings are a celebration of learning at Sowams School. They take place on select Tuesdays at 1:40 throughout the school year.
PTO Play: Registration is still open for students in grades one, two, and three for the PTO/Arts Alive production of Pinocchio. All of the information may be found here. Registration closes on October 22.
Book Fair: This year’s book fair will be the week of November 11, 2019. Family Night is scheduled for Thursday, November 14. Mark that date on your calendar. More information will be sent home about the book fair and family night.
Community Student Art Exhibits: This year, our art teacher, Mrs. Gusetti, has arranged for our students’ artwork to be displayed around town. Please see this notice that explains this program and when and where the first art exhibition is being held.
Other Bits of Information
Safe Stop Bus App: The Safe Stop app allows parents to track the bus of your child so that you will know when to be at the stop for either the morning or the afternoon run. If you are interested in downloading this app, click here for instructions. The parent guide for Safe Stop may be found here.
Morning Drop Off: Morning drop off has been going smoothly. Just a few quick reminders. First, please make sure you pull all the way up in front of the library. By doing this, we attempt to keep as much traffic off Sowams Rd. Second, parents should not be getting out of the car in the drop off line. If you need to get out of the car (even because the child safety lock is on), please park legally in the parking lot and walk your child into school. Third, the line can be long in the school’s driveway. To help speed up the line, your child can get out of the vehicle any place there is a sidewalk. You do not have to wait until you are in front of the front doors of the school. Children can safely walk down the sidewalk to the doors to enter the school.