Parent-Teacher Conferences are tomorrow December 9th - There is no school for students. I have not heard back from the high school about babysitters. If we do have sitters, I will send a text. The usual hours for the volunteer high school students is 9:00-3:00.
Book Fair- our Book Fair will be held December 8th-13th. Family Night is Thursday, Dec 12, from 5:00-7:00. Book Fair will be open during Parent/Teacher conferences. I would like to thank Kara Estrella for setting up and dealing with the delays from Scholastic. The book fair almost didn’t happen. There is still a need for volunteers, you can sign up here Book Fair
Hour of Code - This week is the Hour of Code - The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. The 2019 Computer Science Education Week will be December 9-15. Computer Science Education Week is held annually in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper (December 9, 1906). Ms. Hines will be pushing into classrooms during the next couple of weeks to do coding activities with students. To find learning activities that students can do at home please click here Hour of Code
3rd Grade Winter Performance at PHS is Monday, December 16th at 1:30.
3rd Grade Statehouse Performance is December 20th 10:30.
We will be collecting unwrapped toys for Tap In from November 26th through December 11th. Bins will be in the lobby.
BEF Honor Our S.T.A.R.S Thank a Staff Member
Thank your favorite teacher, counselor, nurse, secretary, administrator or teaching assistant. If you are looking for the perfect gift - Our S.T.A.R. (Staff, Teacher Appreciation Recognition) program is the answer. Make a tax-deductible donation (min. of $10 per S.T.A.R.) to Barrington Education Foundation, and we will send each of your honorees a beautiful S.T.A.R. certificate. How to order your STARS:
ONLINE: Donate securely using PayPal or credit card online at
BY MAIL: Fill out the form below and attach payment (make check payable to BEF, memo S.T.A.R.) Make copies of this form to make multiple gifts or download from Mail to Barrington Education Foundation, 283 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806 or drop off at the school office.
DEADLINE: Orders must be received by Tuesday, December 17_for delivery to the recipient before the end of school.